Meet The Founders

Founder of Quantum Empire, Jasmine Sreenika Soori-Arachi is the Fairy Godmother of High Performance Mindset, Quantum Manifestation & Disruptive Innovation to Iconic Founders of the Future. A former opera & theater director, linguist, & polymath who speaks three languages, Jasmine holds a B.A. cum laude in Linguistics from Utrecht University and a Master 1 from the Sorbonne in Theater History. Jasmine is blessed to help visionary CEOs, thought leaders, inventors, spiritual luminaries, and start-ups joyously generate multi-generational legacies from their fully leveraged genius.

In addition, her Future Founder Revolution aims to assist the best global talent in collapsing the timeline of getting seen, funded, and supported so their cutting edge contributions can create the ascended and advanced world of the future that works for all now.

When she’s not mermaiding or bringing iconic virtuosos together to further innovation, you can find her dancing, walking her Bengal cat Spirit, and exploring everything quantum. To reach out to Jasmine contact her here:

 The Future Founder Revolution provides an elite expansion experience for rising new earth inventors, innovators, startups and creative visionaries who are here to build our world 200 years from the future It’s like a x men quantum genius school that helps make Future Founders magnetic to the biggest expansion opportunities for multigenerational legacies that pioneer a New Earth.


  Spearheading this Revolution my mission is to help catalyze conscious one percenters into their highest state of genius and help them to secure funding and access budgets in the millions tens of millions and even hundreds of millions so their visions can build the new earth. Peace, Philanthropy, and Prosperity are the three spiritual pillars of the Future Founder Revolution because: personal peace through self mastery and energetic frequency alignment has such a powerful effect since we actually carry the entire hologram of the universe within. By strengthening this frequency we affect EVERYONE with this energy. A MIND THAT IS NOT DIVIDED CANNOT BE CONQUERED. A HEART THAT IS NOT DIVIDED CANNOT BE SWAYED (divine love is always supporting us no matter how painful our experiences may be.) A SOUL THAT IS NOT DIVIDED CANNOT BE STOPPED. (Its evolutionary trajectory is assured.) Philanthropy through blockchain technology decentralization and the quantum financial system has the potential to connect trillions of dollars to the projects that will drive the most far reaching social and psychospiritual change.

This means that more conscious one percenters (and there are more millionaires and billionaires being minted every day like the founders of open sea than at any time in history) will be able to continuously funnel streams of multigenerational wealth into the infrastructure of the new earth including non governmental territories supporting new earth ecosystems in novel and far reaching ways. Finally prosperity that goes far beyond conscious capitalism means the opportunity to fully harness an intelligent instant network of limitless liquidity in which the creator economy fully expands the evolutionary potential for collective contribution. In this way, the Future Founder Revolution supports new earth leaders in actualizing their highest legacy vision for multi dimensional and multi generational leverage and legacy living